
Friday, May 30, 2014

Rules About Women: Communication is Key

Let's Get One Thing Straight-

"FINE"...that one word, and you know you've done something wrong. It's been asked for years, why can't women just say things flat out? Well, guys, since when do you? There seems to be a habit of letting communication run dry and situations build until BAAAAM, you hear that one word. Most of the time, it could have been avoided.
What Does It Mean?
You both need to communicate. There are times when things best left said go unsaid. We all know them. That one thing you know will upset them if you say. That one touchy subject... If you let it alone, you may just end up having one heck of an argument.
How Do I Do It?
If you know communication is an issue, sorry to say it, but you need to start talking. Approach subjects delicately, but approach them. Don't just skirt around the edges. Tell her "Hey, we need to talk." and so it some place private- it's no one else's business. Make sure to let her know that its important, and yeah, they may think it's a break up, but clarify it isn't. Talk to them honestly and straight forward.
My biggest advice is this; Talk, but also LISTEN! Communication only works if both sides of the party talk to each other and are heard. Otherwise, you may as well be talking to a brick wall and vice versa. Remember that you're going to have to compromise and work towards better communication.

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