
Monday, December 8, 2014

Women 101: Christmas Gifts - What the Heck Do They Want?

Women 101: Christmas Gifts

What the Heck Do They Want?

December's here, Black Friday's past, and if you haven't figured out what you're gal wants for Christmas, you're probably panicking by now. Stop, take a deep breath, and let's go over a few of the panic attacks you may have had so far.

1. The Broken Wallet Syndrome
Everyone knows this time of year can be really hard on the wallet. One of the many misconceptions about Christmas time is that women want something exceedingly expensive and shiny. Not true. If you're with a woman with character, they aren't going to be looking for a material object so much as something that shows you care. Instead of thinking about cost, think about meaning. What would mean most to her? Christmas shouldn't be about the item so much as showing you care. Women actually do like the sentiment "It's the thought that counts."

2. The Bigger the Better
Granted, every girl would probably love a new car for Christmas. But that's improbable at best, and sometimes bigger isn't better. Consider the small things you notice about her. Does she love a certain brand of lotion? Does she collect something? Is she a super-tv nerd for a certain show? Find something related to what you see her doing in everyday life. For example, if she loves to cook, get her a unique mixer and a cute apron. A sci-fi fan? Get her a blanket or neat t-shirt from her favorite show. Show her you pay attention to what she likes in life.

3. More Is Better
Similar to the Broken Wallet Syndrome, sometimes you think "they want more, right?" Wrong. Sure, a ton of presents is cool, but really, only small kids freak out about how many they get a year. What matters is that you got a gift for her because you care. It shouldn't feel like an obligation or a burden. Don't think that you have to buy out Victoria's Secret to make a girl happy.

4. Equal or Lesser Value
So you're girl has warned you she already knows what she's getting you and it sounds expensive. And you think "I need to get something equal in value!" Well, you don't. First off, you probably don't know exactly how much your gift is worth, and why should you freak out about it anyways? It's a gift, not an exchange! So they may be spoiling you once, it's not a bad thing. Be concerned with making the gift matter because of what it means to you and to her, not what the price tag says its worth.

5. Total Meltdown
They are NOT going to break up with you because you didn't find the perfect Christmas gift. If they do, they aren't doing t well on the whole "It's the thought that counts" thing and it might have been for the best. Don't worry about whether or not the gift is perfect. If it came from you, she'll love it. If it is well meant, she'll love it anymore. Just purchasing a thoughtful gift shows you care.

In Summary-

Think about Christmas gifts as a way to show you care. Make the gift mean something to you and to her. A great way to do this is think of one of your favorite memories about you to and get a gift related to that. Do you remember a movie you both loved? Wrap it up and share it again, and tell her why you love it so much and why it reminded you of her. Do she have a signature quirk, like wearing neon socks or candy shaped earrings? A pair of those would do it. Is her favorite way to relax a bottle of wine, chocolate, and a romance novel? Make up a basket of the goodies and hide it under the tree. Maybe she has a favorite stuffed animal... hey, why not hit up Build A Bear and make her one? You'll get points for surviving the shop and making her something cute.

The point is, gifts should be about meaning, not price tag or ideal worth. It's all about your own feelings and how to show them. Make the gift sentimental and sweet. Don't worry about the jewelry box commercials...there's more important things than shiny rocks.

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